Paula Dickerson – Certified Trainer

My dog training programs are based on scientifically proven positive reinforcement methods and endorsed by the RSPCA.  Positive Force Free dog training is based on improving an owners understanding of their dog through the ethical application of positive reinforcement and behaviour modification.

There have been great advances in Behavioural Science which have proven that Positive Force Free methods are not only highly effective but are also the most successful way of training any canine, animal or human.

Scientific studies have also proven that reward-based techniques and force free training methods promote learning and focuses on creating a greater bond between dog and handler with mutual respect.

I also work in consultation with dog owners, other trainers and vets and refer dogs to specialist veterinary services as required.

No dog should be harmed, intimidated of feel pain due to training

Classes Dogs Walking

Force Free Dog Training Classes

Onlead Walk and Train

Onlead Walk and Train classes offer owners and their dogs an enjoyable opportunity to work and train their dog based on their and their dog’s individual needs.

These sessions give the dogs mental and physical work-out and the opportunity to explore the environment, which is highly rewarding for dogs and builds a strong bond between dogs and their owners.

My aim is for you and your dog to enjoy training.


Happy Valley Sports Par
Taylors Road, Happy Valley


Wednesday & Saturday
9.30 – 10.20 am

How Much?

$25 per session

Bookings Essential – Click Here

Onlead Private – In-Home Training

Onlead Private – In-Home Dog Training Private Consultations are provided for owners and their dogs who are experiencing unwanted behaviours or having difficulty in managing the care and welfare of their dog.

Great advances in Behavioural Science has proven that Positive Force Free methods are not only very effective,

but are also the most successful way of training any Canine, animal, or even humans!

The beauty of Positive training is that it works.

Programs are targeted to the specific needs and behavioural issues of that individual dog

My aim is to educate the owners/family about their dog’s potential and intelligence and give you the help and support needed to produce a well-mannered dog that makes you proud.

In-home training programs are also designed for people who may be time-poor, work odd hours, cannot attend for various reasons or commit to weekly group training classes.

My Aim is Happy Dogs and Happy Owners!

Please click here for further information.
